24 Jan 2012

A Day Woke Up A Bit Early

I woke up a bit earlier than usual. Normally I get up 1:00pm or later. But today it's 11:00am :) I should go to work earlier but blogging :D

I haven't written about my resolution of 2012 yet. So let me think about it... Actually, I had been thinking. I came up with some ideas and the main of it would be TO BE CONFIDENT.

I think I always care something too much. In a not very good way. I care what people think. But it doesn't really make things better, does it? I need to trust myself a bit more and shouldn't care what people say. I don't feel like I'm grown enough, but it's time to be a grown woman.

Other resolutions are like saving money, studying English and waking up early... it's pointless waking up early and blogging though :D But could it be a part of studying English? Hmm, yes, I guess so.

Anyways, I don't care what people saaaay♪ ....In a positive way!!


  1. Hi Daphne,
    nice blog. In your "About me" section it should be correcting not "collecting" :)

    check out my blog at www.davecollyjap.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Dave! The mistake is shame on me! I haven't realized it for a long time. Thank you Dave!

      And I read some of your pages and it is so so interesting. Since I read English article slowly I couldn't check them many but I will :)
